Service Repairs

Forklift Maintenance & Repair Service

JB Industrial offers clients a comprehensive range of services – we have the capability to service and maintain any brand of forklift. Our forklift services include the latest technology to ensure up to date services for all hire equipment to manufacturer’s specifications. Our technicians are fully qualified and have an extensive knowledge of all makes and models. We have fully stocked spare parts departments in all of our workshops to address forklift maintenance issues as they arise. Our experience with maintaining our own fleet makes us the most qualified to help you.

JB Industrial utilises a sophisticated computer system that allows us to monitor regular machine maintenance – Planned Preventative Maintenance System PPMS. This system has been designed to consider your needs, the age of the equipment, the working conditions, the operator’s skill level and how it is used. With this information we tailor a unique servicing plan to your operation to increase productivity.

Απαντώντας στις πιο δημοφιλείς ερωτήσεις που ζητώ αυτή την ευκαιρία, θα πω: Όχι, δεν ήταν με 365 διαφορετικούς άνδρες. Μόνο με ένα πράγμα: ο σύζυγός μου. Ναι, ακόμη και κατά τη διάρκεια της εμμηνόρροιας. Όχι, όχι για να σώσουμε τον γάμο μας. Το έκανα για να με Και το αποτέλεσμα που είχε για τον γάμο μας ήταν απλώς ένα ευχάριστο μπόνους.